1. Researchers made a "semi-living artist." A petri dish holding 50,000 rat neurons was "shown" photos and their responses, sent via http to a robotic arm in Australia, were used to produce colorful, childlike scribbles.
  2. Willard Wigan, who creates tiny sculptures using a microscope, learned to work between heartbeats so his pulse would not move his hand.
  3. When a colleague used Alex Trebek's bathroom at a party, she saw a picture of dancing couples on the wall. On closer examination, she realized they were actually different sex positions. "I thought, 'Oh, my God... why would Alex have anything like this on the wall?' So I stole it."
  4. Bob Dylan traded one of Andy Warhol's Elvis Presley paintings for a sofa. He later agreed it was "a stupid thing to do."
  5. Skaters in Bolinas, California graffitied the motto on a giant public mural, "Keep Bolinas Sacred," to read: "Keep Bolinas Skated."
  6. In 2018, the Guggenheim Museum turned down a White House request to borrow a Van Gogh painting. Instead, the museum offered to lend the Trump administration a golden toilet.
  7. After Leonardo da Vinci painted an angel in Verrocchio's "Baptism of Christ," the more experienced artist was so humbled by Leonardo's talent that he vowed to never paint again.
  8. Nelson Mandela's famous "Hand of Africa" was created by accident. While working on a lighthouse sketch, he wiped his dirty hand and saw an image of Africa in his palm.
  9. Many of Surrealist artist Juan Miro's paintings, including The Harlequin's Carnival, were produced in a state of delirium. Miro would lie in bed for days without eating, sketching the shapes he saw form on his ceiling.
  10. In London's British Museum, prankster artist Banksy hung a rock depicting a caveman & shopping cart above a sign describing it as prehistoric art. It went unnoticed for several days.